move forward, live fully, breathe deeply....

there are so many areas in our lives in which we can get stuck...drowning in things, worry, anxiety. Here is my journey to live simply, with the fantastic freedom of 'less is more' as my mantra.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I am overwhelmed...

I am overwhelmed.
unexpected gray visits
in the morning mists of
surprise endings.

I am not ready yet..
momentum dallies forth
making decisions for my life
hard and heavy.

My spirit is above
looking down on shattered
torn and broken vessels
scattered about

Death is no friend.
but high above in aerie hearts
music holds me close
please hold me close.

...a new, very sweet friend has recently suffered a terrible loss.  I am overwhelmed with sadness and concern, wanting to comfort and hold her while she is having to bear this pain.  While she does have close friends and family nearby, it is still a difficult thing not to be able to be present. To hug her.  I just needed to express my thoughts...and hope that she knows that there are prayers being lifted for her and her family.


  1. And I feel this for her as well. I know your love and our love for her will bring her some comfort. She's just been so on my mind and in my prayers!
